ACADEMY HOURS | What Time Does Academy Close-Open?


Scroll down the page to view a table displaying Academy hours for the week. Academy Sports and Outdoors is an American sporting goods discount store chain headquartered in Texas. The sports goods chain was founded by Max & Arthur Gochman in 1938. Today it operates over 160 stores and employs over 21,000 people. This company, also known as “Academy”, offers products such as camping gear, hunting equipment, footwear, apparel, and sports goods. Academy hours may be a topic of interest for people who enjoy or partake in sports and outdoor activities. We’re here to provide you with the general Academy store hours.

Monday8:30 AM - 9:30 PM
Tuesday8:30 AM - 9:30 PM
Wednesday8:30 AM - 9:30 PM
Thursday8:30 AM - 9:30 PM
Friday8:30 AM - 10:00 PM
Saturday8:00 AM - 10:00 PM
Sunday9:30 AM - 9:30 PM
Academy hours may vary by location*

Typical Academy hours during the week are fairly constant, but they do differ slightly on the weekends. Academy is open from 8:30 AM to 9:30 PM on Monday through Thursday. Academy sports hours take a turn on Friday; Academy will be open during its regular time but will close half an hour later than it’s regular weekly hours. This means that Academy is open at 8 AM and will close at 10 PM. The extra half-hour in schedule should give shoppers some more time to get prepared for their outdoor activities on the weekend. Typically on Saturday, Academy hours are from 8 AM to 10 PM. Generally, Academy opens at 9:30 AM and closes at 9:30 on Sunday. The table below shows general Academy Sports hours for Monday through Sunday.



Academy’s store locator is one of the most reliable ways to find Academy Sports hours. This direct link will take you to the locator page of company’s official website. You have the option to allow Academy to locate you or to manually enter your zip, city, or state. You should see a list of stores nearby after entering the requested information. Select a particular store to find out its hours of operation, contact info, and address. We believe this is the most up-to-date source to find Academy hours.


Google Maps is another dependable tool for finding Academy hours. Head over to the Google Maps website by clicking here. Once you’re on the site, search the term “Academy Sports + Outdoors”. Select your desired location from a list of stores in the area. Google has many great features on their site such as the ability to find directions straight from your house or read customer reviews. It also provides you with additional information such as Academy Sports hours, address, phone number, and different routes to get there. You can also use the map below by clicking on the thumbnail of your neighborhood sporting goods store.


Academy does not currently offer a general app for their store. They do, however, offer an app for members with an Academy Sports + Outdoors VISA signature card. You can download this app through your iPhone or Android device. The app gives you access to your Academy Sports VISA card right at your finger tips. Other features include no annual fee, $15 statement credit, rewards, and many more. We do not recommend using this app to find Academy store hours.


What time does Academy close?
What time does Academy open?
What time does Academy close on Sunday-Saturday?
Academy closing time?
When does Academy open-close?
Academy opening hours?
Is Academy open today?

In some cases, Academy hours of operation can vary greatly by location. We ask that you use the tools listed above to find your exact Academy Sports hours. Please visit our homepage to view a complete list of our business hours, including LA Fitness, Trader Joe’s, Kohl’s, and many more!

Academy Sports hours

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