BATH AND BODY WORKS HOURS: Find a list of Bath and Body Works store hours for Monday-Sunday in the table below. Bath & Body Works is a retail store with locations in the United States and Canada. The company was founded by Leslie Wexner in Ohio, and is also headquartered in Columbus, OH. Bath & Body works specializes in bath, beauty, and body care products such as candles, lotions, shower gels, fragrances, gifts, and more. With over 1,660 company owned stores (since 1990) and even 6 franchised locations (as of 2011), Bath and Body works is your one stop shop for home bath and beauty products. No matter your age or gender, body care should be a top priority; and who doesn’t like to smell and feel good anyways? If you’re looking to add some pleasant fragrances to your home or body, Bath & Body Works store hours may be a topic of interest. The table below is a general list of the weekly Bath and Body Works hours for most locations.

Monday10:00 AM to 9:00 PM
Tuesday10:00 AM to 9:00 PM
Wednesday10:00 AM to 9:00 PM
Thursday10:00 AM to 9:00 PM
Friday10:00 AM to 9:00 PM
Saturday10:00 AM to 9:00 PM
Sunday12:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Bath & Body Works hours may vary by location*

Bath and Body Works hours for a typical week do not fluctuate much for the opening or closing times, other than on Sundays. Generally, Bath and Body Works is open from 10 AM to 9:00 PM during the work week (Monday through Friday) for the majority of store locations. Similarly on Saturday, Bath and Body works will open during it’s regular weekday hours of 10 AM and close at 9:00 PM as well. As with most store operating hours, the last day of the week is will differ. This bath and beauty retail store generally opens 2 hours (noon) later and closes 3 hours earlier than the previous days listed. For the majority of locations, Bed Bath and Beyond hours on Sunday are from 12 PM through 6 PM. Keep in mind that Bath and Body works store hours may be subject to change and may also vary by location. For this reason, we will provide 3 tools found in the section below this paragraph to help find out your neighborhood Bath and Body works hours.



We believe that one of the most reliable methods to finding your exact Bath and Body Works hours is by using the company’s official store locator. Find the Bath & Body Works store locator computer site through this link and the mobile site is on this one. To begin finding the Bath and Body Works store hours for your neighborhood location, we have to inform the locator of our geographical location. Start off by entering your city and state, or zip code into the search bar, and select the radius in miles you’re willing to travel. The next and final step is to select the black “submit” button to view a list of all the local Bath and Body Works hours and some other additional information. On this page, you’ll be able to view each location’s unique contact information (phone number and address), store hours, and driving directions to help guide you to your nearby fragrance fun store!


Finding quick and up-to-date info related to Bath and Body Works hours have never been easier with Google Maps. Begin by going to Google’s main website and then select the “Maps” tab near the bottom of the search bar. This link will navigate you straight to the search results as well, where you can view similar results. Type “Bath and Body Works” in the search bar and then select the enter button. You will now be able to view all the Bath and Body Works Store hours of all your neighborhood location, along with some more personalized store information. Check out what other customers are saying about that store under the customer reviews section, view each store’s phone number, address, and driving directions on this page as well. The map below will show you similar results: simply use the red labels above a store to view its unique Bath and Body Works hours.


If you’re one of those people who are always on the go and want access to Bath & Body Works hours the same way, this next tool may be just what you need. The third method we recommend for finding Bath and Body Works hours is through the company’s official mobile app. The website detailing and containing the Bath and Body Works Mobile app can be found here. This home fragrance giant’s app is available on both iOS and Google Play to satisfy both iPhone and Android users. Browse and shop conveniently for home fragrances and more with this easy-to-use mobile application. We recommend this tool as an effective way to find accurate Bath & Body Works hours because all the contents and info come directly from the best source: the company itself.


Bath and Body Works is the perfect place to find bath and fragrance gifts for anyone. To help you stay on top of your home goods holiday shopping, we’ve listed the typical Bath and Body Works holiday hours here with an simple-but-informative table beneath. Typically, Bath and Body Works is open on New Year’s Eve, New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Day (MLK Day), President’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day (4th of July), Labor Day, President’s Day, Christmas Eve, and a list of other holidays shown in below in the table. Finding fragrances with this store during the season giving is fairly standard because the company follows general holiday closings, which we’ll list in the following paragraph.

Bath and Body Works is closed on Christmas Day, Easter Sunday, and Thanksgiving Day at the majority of locations. Use the 3 tools outlined above to contact your neighborhood location to find out if Bath and Body Works will be open during an exact holiday. This applies to Bath and Body Works Black Friday hours, which may vary greatly by each individual store. Keep in mind that Bath & Body Works holiday hours may vary by location and are also subject to change. A table can be down below to give you a general idea of Bath and Body Works hours during the holidays; store openings during the holiday season can be found on the top of the table and the closings are at the bottom.



Black FridayMardi Gras
Christmas EveMemorial Day
Cinco de MayoMother's Day
Columbus DayMartin Luther King Day (MLK Day)
Easter MondayPresident's Day
Good FridaySt. Patrick's Day
HalloweenTax Day
Labor DayValentines Day
Father’s DayVeteran's Day
Thanksgiving DayIndependence Day (4th of July)


Poor WeatherNew Year's Day
Christmas DayEaster Sunday


What time does Bath and Body Works close?
What time does Bath and Body Works open?
What time does Bath and Body Works close on Sunday-Saturday?
Bath and Body Works closing time?
When does Bath and Body Works open-close?
Bath and Body Works opening hours?
Is Bath and Body Works open today?

As a reminder, Bath & Body Works Store hours may be different for some locations and may be subject to change. To ensure you have most reliable Bath and Body Works hours of operation for your nearby store, use the 3 methods described in the section titled “How to Find Bath Body Works hours” heading above. To learn more about this body care and home fragrance company, visit their official website found here. Get in touch directly with this company on social media through their Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube Pages. You can also contact Bath & Body Works through email or by calling the store customer care number at 1-800-395-1001. To send the company a letter, use their mailing address at 7 Limited Parkway East, Reynoldsburg, OH 43068.


Was this article on Bath and Body Works hours helpful? Let us know in by rating it or in the comment section at the bottom of the page. You can find a full list of store operating hours just like this one on our home page! Other business hours on our site you may find useful are JC Penny, Home Goods, Ulta, CVS, Bed Bath & Beyond, Michaels, Party City, Safeway, Macy’s, and many more! Feel free to write to us in the section below with any comments, questions, or concerns you may have!

Bath and Body Works store hours

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