Chipotle is one of the fairly “new” restaurants launching back in 1993. Since the opening of the first Chipotle it’s been a very fast growing company. They helped establish the “fast casual” category that offers quality focused fast food. They pride themselves on using high quality raw ingredients, buying from local farms, using healthy livestock without hormones or antibiotics, and serving food made only with non-GMO ingredients! They really do have “food with integrity”! It’s no wonder millions of customers love Chipotle. And if you’re one of those customers and would like to know the hours of operation at a nearby restaurant please check below for Chipotle hours.
Monday | 11:00 AM - 10:00 PM |
Tuesday | 11:00 AM - 10:00 PM |
Wednesday | 11:00 AM - 10:00 PM |
Thursday | 11:00 AM - 10:00 PM |
Friday | 11:00 AM - 10:00 PM |
Saturday | 11:00 AM - 10:00 PM |
Sunday | 11:00 AM - 10:00 PM |
The best way to find Chipotle’s store hours is by using their official store locator. Simply visit Chipotle store locator and enter your address. You will be provided with a list of the closest locations near you. Select the location you would like to visit to see their hours, address, phone number, fax number, and directions if needed. You can also order online and see any job openings for that location.
While we strongly recommend you use Chipotle’s store locator to find their hours of operation, Google Maps is a great alternative. Simply visit and search Chipotle. You will be provided with a map of the closest Chipotle locations around you. Simply select the one you would like to visit and Google will provide you with their hours, address, phone number, and if needed directions.
If you are the person whose always on the go, then the Chipotle app is for you. Simply download it on your smartphone (iOS, Android) and with a few click you can find a Chipotle wherever you are, see their hours of operation, view their menu, order, and pick it up without standing in line.
During the holidays you may not really be feeling grandmother’s special soup and might opt out to get some delicious Chipotle. Then you may wonder to yourself, is Chipotle closed or open during this specific holiday. Below is a convenient table showing Chipotle Holiday Hours of operation. Please remember that these are the typical holiday hours of a Chipotle store and may be different for certain locations.
Chipotle Holiday Hours | Open | |
Black Friday | Mardi Gras |
Christmas Eve | Memorial Day |
Cinco de Mayo | Mother's Day |
Columbus Day | President's Day |
Easter Monday | St. Patrick's Day |
Father’s Day | Tax Day |
Good Friday | Valentines Day |
Halloween | Veteran's Day |
Labor Day | |
Chipotle Holiday Hours | Closed | |
Bad Weather* | Independence Day (4th of July) |
Easter Sunday | New Year's Day |
Christmas Day | Thanksgiving Day |
What time does Chipotle close?
What time does Chipotle open?
Chipotle closing time?
What time does Chipotle close on Friday-Sundays?
What time does Chipotle close today?
What time does Chipotle open on weekdays?
Since Chipotle hours vary depending on their location, please use the references below to help find your specific location’s hours of operation.
With a dream and a vision, Chipotle was founded in 1993 by Steve Ells. Currently, Chipotle has 1700 across the globe, and is ran by current CEO Montgomery F. Moran. Chipotle headquarters is located in 1401 Wynkoop St Suite 500 Denver, CO 80202. Check out the table below for more in-depth information about Chipotle Corporate Office Headquarters or how to personally get in contact with the company.
Address | Chipotle Headquarters 1401 Wynkoop St. Ste. 500 Denver, CO 80202 |
Phone | 1-303-595-4000 |
Fax | 1-302-674-5266 |
Website | |
Contact Us | |
Menu | Menu |
Facebook Page | |
Twitter Page | |