Dollar General hours can be found in the table below. Dollar General is an American discount retailer founded in 1939. With over 11,500 locations in most of the contiguous United States, there is bound to be a Dollar General in your area. For most locations, Dollar General is open at 8 AM from Monday through Sunday. For some locations will have Dollar General is closed at 9 PM. Other locations may have Dollar General close at 10 PM, so be sure to check with your local Dollar General for exact hours. Dollar General store hours may be subject to change and may vary by location. Check out our table below for a quick look at Dollar General hours for the week.
Day | Time |
Monday | 8:00 AM - 9:00 PM |
Tuesday | 8:00 AM - 9:00 PM |
Wednesday | 8:00 AM - 9:00 PM |
Thursday | 8:00 AM - 9:00 PM |
Friday | 8:00 AM - 9:00 PM |
Saturday | 8:00 AM - 9:00 PM |
Sunday | 8:00 AM - 9:00 PM |
A great way to find Dollar General hours is with their store locator found here. The page should automatically find all the Dollar General locations in your area. If it doesn’t, just type in your city and state and select the distance you’re willing to travel. This should give you a list of Dollar General store hours and stores nearby. Other information the site provides is their distance from you, their address, and phone number.
Another reliable method of finding Dollar General hours is through Google Maps. Click this link to be taken straight to all the Dollar General hours and stores nearby. Google Maps also allows you to select a specific store to view its information. Some features include the stores phone number, customer rating, and address. You can also find directions to lead you straight to the store using Google Maps.
Dollar general offers an app for both Apple and Android users alike. Download the app straight to your mobile phone through the links in the previous sentence. This app is another reliable way to find Dollar General store hours. You can also view savings for the week and different locations nearby. Dollar General hours may differ, but this app will help find out the exact information we need for our individual store.
Shopping at Dollar General can be a great way to find gifts for an affordable price. You may even want to do some shopping but you’re not sure whether or not Dollar General is closed or open. Dollar General holiday hours can be found on the table provided below. For most stores, Dollar General is open on Labor Day, Columbus Day, Presidents Day, Halloween, Father’s Day, Christmas Eve, and a list of other holidays outlined below.
Our Dollar General holiday hours table provides closing days as well. Dollar General is closed on Christmas Day, Thanksgiving, Independence Day (4th of July), and Easter for the majority of locations. Be sure to check your individual Dollar General holiday hours using the tools we provided above. Check out the table below for a quick look at the estimated Dollar General holiday hours.
Holiday | Holiday |
OPEN | |
Black Friday | Mardi Gras |
Christmas Eve | Memorial Day |
Cinco de Mayo | Mother's Day |
Columbus Day | MLK Day |
Easter Monday | President's Day |
Good Friday | St. Patrick's Day |
Halloween | Tax Day |
Labor Day | Valentines Day |
Father’s Day | Veteran's Day |
Bad Weather Days | Independence Day (4th of July) |
Christmas Day | Thanksgiving Day |
Easter Sunday | New Years Day |
What time does Dollar General close?
What time does Dollar General open?
What time does Dollar General close on Sunday-Saturday?
Dollar General closing time?
When does Dollar General open-close?
Dollar General opening hours?
Is Dollar General open today?
Dollar General store hours may vary based on location, so please use the tools above to help find your local Dollar General store hours of operation.
Dollar General operates in over 40 US states with over 11,500 locations. Dollar General was founded by J.L. Turner and Cal Turner Sr. in 1939. Dollar General headquarters is located at 100 Mission Ridge, Goodlettsville, TN 37072. Dollar General’s corporate phone number is (615) 855-4000. Like Dollar General store hours, contact info is subject to change. Check out the table below to find Dollar General contact info including their email, phone number, fax, and social media.
Address | 100 Mission Ridge Goodlettsville, TN 37072 |
Phone | (615) 855-4000 |
Fax | (615) 386-9936 |
Website | |
Contact Us | |
Facebook Page | |
Twitter Page | |