

Find a list of Pets at Home opening times/hours in the table below for Monday through Sunday. Pets at Home is a pet-oriented supplies retailer in the United Kingdom. Pets at Home offers pet food, toys, accessories, medication, bedding, and other pet related products. This pet oriented retail chain is the largest in the UK, with over 370 locations employing over 6,000 workers. Less than 10 years after the first store was opened in 1991, this pet store giant acquired Petsmart UK and acquired 140 under its name. Pets at Home is partnered with over 300 veterinary practices which are partnered with the company, so you can cover both your pet’s supplies and health all in one place. The company has expanded rapidly across the UK since first being opened over 25 years ago by founder Anthony Preston. Pets at Home opening hours may be a topic of interest for any pet owners in the UK. Whether you’ve got a sick pet or just need to purchase some food, finding Pets at Home opening times will come in handy. The table below lists the general Pets at Home opening times and closing times for the entire week.

Monday9:00 AM to 8:00 PM
Tuesday9:00 AM to 8:00 PM
Wednesday9:00 AM to 8:00 PM
Thursday9:00 AM to 8:00 PM
Friday9:00 AM to 8:00 PM
Saturday9:00 AM to 6:00 PM
Sunday10:30 AM to 4:30 PM
Pets at Home opening times may vary by location*

Typically during the weekdays, Pets at Home opening times are from 9 AM to 8 PM on Monday through Friday for most locations. Starting off the weekend, most of company’s pet stores will open during regular weekday hours, at 9 AM as well. Pets at Home closing times are 6 PM on Saturdays, which is 2 hours earlier than the previous days listed. Typically on Sunday, Pets at Home opening times are 11 AM until 4:30 PM for most stores. Check out the table provided above to view regular Pets at home opening and closing times for each day of the week. Please note that Pets at Home opening times may vary by location and are subject to change. The chart above only lists the general Pets at Home opening hours for a typical location, so be sure to use the 3 tools below to find the exact opening and closing times for your neighborhood pet store.



The popular UK pet retailer’s official store locator found here is a the best way to find Pets at Home opening times. Once you click on the link provided, you’ll be taken to a page showing a search bar, map of the UK, and the option to chose specific store services. Type in your town or postcode, along with any applicable services such as stores with an adoption centre, groom room, microchipping, nutrition consultation, dental consultations, reptiles, and more. Next, press the dark green arrow to take you to a list of all Pets at Home opening hours in your general area. You can also use the map on the right hand side of the page to select a specific area of the UK, such as Ireland, Whales, Scotland, parts of England, and more. Select a particular store to view more detailed information. The store locator will provide you with the Pets at Home opening Times for each store, along with its phone number, address, directions, and distance from you.


Alternatively, Google Maps is another tool for helping you find nearby Pets at Home opening times and closing times. Click here to be directed straight to the page displaying a list of the company’s pet stores nearby. You can also go to Google’s main site, click on the Maps tab, and search Pets at home opening hours for the same results. Select the store of your preference to view its Pets at home closing times, opening times, and additional info you may find useful. Google Maps also provides each store’s contact information, directions, customer reviews, and more for any particular location. The map below can be used in a similar fashion; select your preferred pet store under the red tabs to view the described info above as well.


If you’re an animal lover who’s always on the go, you need an app that can keep up. The company’s mobile app may be just what you need to find Pets at Home opening hours quickly and easily. The app is available for both iPhone and Android users on the Apple Store and Google Play. The app can do much more than simply help you find Pets at Home opening hours. Use the mobile application to receive news, offers, track vet appointments, and post pictures of your furry friends on Facebook. We recommend that you use the other 2 methods above to find your local Pets at home opening times because they’re more accurate and the apps seem to still be in the developmental stages.


Pets are just like family to many people in the UK and other parts the world. Treat you dog or cat to a special gift this holiday season by heading to your neighborhood Pets at Home store. Generally, Pets at Home is open on Easter Monday, Christmas Eve, New Years Eve, and a list of other holidays which can be found by contacting your store directly with the tools we’ve provided above. Pets at Home is closed on New Years Day, Thanksgiving Day, Easter Sunday, and Christmas Day for most stores. Remember that these are only typical  holiday times for this pet store. Use the tools we provided in the section titled “How to Find Pets at Home Hours” to contact your neighborhood store for their exact Pets at Home opening times for this holiday season.


What time does Pets at Home close?
What time does Pets at Home open?
What time does Pets at Home close on Sunday-Saturday?
Pets at Home closing times?
When does Pets at Home open-close?
Pets at Home opening hours?
Is Pets at Home open today?

Keep in mind that Pets at Home opening times may vary based by location and can be subject to change. Please use the references we’ve provided in the section above to help find your local Pets at Home hours of operation. For more information about this UK-based pet store, visit their official website. For questions directed to the company, fill out a contact form for assistance from a customer representative. Contact Pets at Home customer service at 0800-328-4204 from 8am-8pm on Monday to Friday and 9am-5pm on the weekend. To visit the company headquarters or mail inquires, use the Pets at Home corporate office address at Pets at Home Ltd, Epsom Ave, Stanley Green, Handforth, Cheshire SK9 3RN. Get in touch with the company through their social media pages as well, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.


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Pets at Home opening hours

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